How Quickly Can You Brew Beer? Brewing For A Deadline
It wasn’t long ago that I had some family coming to visit and realized I didn’t have enough beer to give them, so I started to research how quickly can…
Can You Make Beer With Bread Yeast? Here’s What Will Happen
It’s happened to the best of us, we go to grab a packet of yeast to pitch our wort and the cupboard is bare. Then your thoughts turn to raiding…
Can I Use Tap Water to Brew Beer? Don’t Make These Mistakes
Sometimes we take it for granted that water is so accessible to us, and that is really important when you brew beer. However, there is no doubt that some water…
How Do You Calculate Grain Absorption? Theory & Shortcuts
Nowadays there are calculators for everything, so even the very best homebrewers don’t really understand the math behind calculations for things like grain absorption. Of course, that’s perfectly fine and…
Do I Need To Sanitize Hops For Dry Hopping?
If you asked me to choose one beer style to drink for the rest of my life, it’d be hard but I think IPAs would be high up on the…
Pros & Cons: Chilling Wort In A Fermenter Vs A Brew Kettle
For me, brewing beer is always a pleasurable activity that I have to sandwich between other obligations in my life. Too often I’m halfway through my brew day or bottling…
The Real Pros & Cons Of Leaving Your Wort To Cool Overnight
Cooling wort down naturally was the only way to perform this crucial task for centuries. Our forebearers had no choice other than to leave wort to cool down overnight. Today,…
Surprising Tips: Can You Make Money from Home Brewing Beer?
If you ask whether you can make money from your home brewing hobby to most homebrewers, they are going to give you a firm “no”. But I don’t think they…
What Is Unmalted Grain Exactly & Can I Brew Beer With It?
There are certain terms in brewing that we almost just accept as labels rather than descriptive titles, malted and unmalted seem to be two of them. As most of your…
How To Measure Water For Brewing (With & Without Equipment)
You start your first ever brewing quest and you suddenly realize you don’t have a measuring cup anywhere in the house! It’s a common enough phenomenon, especially if you are…